Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Really Random Wednesday: I'm A Bad, Bad Girl

This post should probably have appeared yesterday for True Confessions, but the reason it didn't will be explained shortly.

I have an Evil Day Job (EDJ). Many writers do, since writing doesn't often pay enough to live on. And it sucks because it gets in the way of writing. The last couple of weeks at the EDJ have been brutally busy, with a huge project due yesterday. It's been consuming a great deal of my time, and so I've slacked off on the blogging.

*hangs head in shame*

I'm a bad girl. I know I can schedule posts ahead of time and everything, but I kept getting bogged down in EDJ work. I've managed to put a couple things up. Last week I had several guests including Cheryl Dragon, Simone Sinna, and Marie Jermy. And I've got a post up for the Hearts On Fire Blog Hop (which ends tomorrow - don't forget to enter!) in the meantime. Plus I'll be making several guest appearances, last week at Literary Lagniappe, and this week at Lori King, Paloma Beck, and Four Seduced Muses.

Not to mention I'm super excited about the release of my second book, The Art of Love tomorrow!! (pardon the shameless self-promotion)

But I just haven't been able to do anything else really clever. I'm sorry! I know I'm bad. But don't worry - I've already had my spanking!


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