Monday 20 May 2013

Wet & Wild Blog Hop

Here I am with yet another blog hop! I love the things! This one is hosted by the lovely and talented Skye Warren and I'm happy to be participating!

Wet and wild conjures so many interesting ideas, and I didn't know where to start until it occurred to me that sex needs to be wet in order to work right. And I don't know about you, but sometimes even when I'm in the mood, Mother Nature has trouble getting the juices flowing. In romance books, the hero only has to look at his heroine and she's flooding her panties, but reality doesn't always work like a book. So for today's post I'm going to talk about:


If you have any sort of vaginal dryness, sex just won't be comfortable. If I'm not wet enough, nothing is getting in there. Good foreplay is usually the best solution, but there are a number of factors that can lead to unusual dryness, even with a great build-up. I found a great article in Women's Health Magazine that cites things like stress, medications, or illnesses that can all interfere with natural lubrication. If the foreplay isn't enough (or even if it is), using a personal lubricant can be very effective.

Speaking from personal experience, hubby and I have tried a few over the years and it took a long time to find one that was just right. I always found that even when we used lube, I could still dry out mid-session (hubby has a lot of stamina). He discovered one that we both really like called Wet Platinum. It's silicone based, and it stays wet a LONG time. I also have this issue about not liking to have sticky hands. I do realize that there are all kinds of interesting jokes in that, but it's the truth. I don't even like to use hand creams. I always hated getting the lube on my hands. But this lube isn't yucky sticky and it wipes off fairly easily. It doesn't taste the best, but I believe the company sells flavoured options. In fact, they have a handy quiz to help you determine which of their products is best for you!

For this blog hop, I'm giving away an ebook copy of one of my titles, plus $10 to spend at Amazon, where you can find lots of things to get your motor going, from books to toys to lube - they've got it! And don't forget to stop by the other participating blogs for their giveaways and to be eligible to win the grand prize, $100 at Victoria's Secret, plus an assortment of ebooks!

Happy Hopping!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Sinful Sirens Blog Hop

I'm excited to be participating in another blog hop, this one hosted by Under the Covers Book Blog.

So let's talk Sinful Sirens. This phrase to me means one who seduces others into doing bad things (the concept of 'bad' being very subjective of course).

In honour of this wonderful concept, let me introduce you to the Sinful Sirens of Hedon Falls, my book series which is available from Siren Publishing. I'm also giving away a copy of one of my ebooks, as well as letting the winner decide on the name and occupation of my next Siren! Details are at the end of the post! Plus, don't forget to hop around to the other blogs participating for a chance at more fabulous prizes!

The Sirens of Hedon Falls

Serena from Landing the Big Ones
Being a single mom isn't easy, especially when it comes to satisfying sexual desires. Poor Serena has been a little too long without the company of a man, and when she meets a set of sexy identical twins, she falls hard and fast for both of them. The three of them get up to some wicked sexcapades which gets others in town talking!

Melanie from The Art of Love
Opening up a private art gallery is a bold venture, and one that Melanie is determined to succeed in. Her pal Serena points out that all the artwork she is interested in has a sexual nature, so Melanie decides to make erotic art the theme of her opening exhibit. Meeting with the artists of these sexy pieces challenges her self-control, especially because she can't decide between them. Taking a cue from Serena, Melanie decides that a menage might be just the thing for her and the guys.

Sophie from Training the Help
Sophie had a job she enjoyed at a large hotel in Toronto, but when it went under, she was left without work and quickly ran out of resources. So when the opportunity to be the housekeeper for a movie star and her husband presents itself, Sophie seizes it. But her employers are both attracted to her and Sophie finds herself exploring some new sexual territory with them.

Kendra from Training the Help
Happily married to a successful man, and doing well with her acting career, Kendra should have everything she wants. But she's bisexual and sometimes misses the company of a woman. When Sophie moves in, Kendra finds it difficult to keep her mind and hands off the other woman. She introduces Sophie to the pleasures of girl-on-girl loving.

Coming Soon!
Two upcoming Sirens from Hedon Falls include Shannon O'Connell, lead singer of a rock band in Hedon Falls, and Ciara Flaherty, Irish dance teacher. Watch for their stories in late summer/early fall!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday 14 May 2013

True Confessions: Sage Marlowe's 1st Anniversary Blog Tour

Sage Marlowe’s First Anniversary Blog Tour & Giveaway
The First—Sub-Mission

Hello and welcome to the latest stop of my 1st Anniversary Blog Tour & Giveaway. Thank you for hosting me, Michelle!

One year has passed since my successful debut novel, Sub-Mission, was released on May 14, 2012, and a lot has happened during those twelve months. I’m taking the chance to look back and tell you a bit about the background of the books I’ve published, but also about things that happened in my life or that are on my mind. There’s one stop for every book, and of course, there are prizes waiting for you, because as always, good things for me mean good things for you, my dear friends and readers. Please read the “Giveaway” section below for details.

You may have already noticed the date I mentioned earlier, Yes, today is the day, my first anniversary as a published author, so of course I’d like to talk to you about Sub-Mission today, the book that will always have a special place in my heart as it was my first. It wasn’t the first book I’ve ever written, and not even the first I’ve completed, but when the time had come for me to decide which one of my numerous projects I would finally finish and submit, my choice fell on the manuscript that was to become Sub-Mission.

When I first started writing, I didn’t even think about the titles for my stories. I was far too busy scribbling down what the characters wanted me to write, so all my projects simply got a number—the order in which they entered my head. I still do that, by the way. Sub-Mission was No 6.
I can’t remember when I picked the title, but I’m fairly certain that it was just there all of a sudden. It fit the story so well and I kinda liked the irony of Sub-Mission being my first submission. I just can’t resist a pun.

A lot of other first times are connected with this book. The first time someone other than me got to read what I’ve written. I don’t work with beta readers, never have, and until this day, not a single member of my family has read any of my books, so TEB’s acquisitions staff were the first people who set eyes on it. What a feeling. Ever told a random stranger one of your dirties secrets? Do it, then you get an idea of what submitting an erotic BDSM novel feels like.

The first time I worked with an editor followed a couple of months later. For several reasons, the experience was not what I’d anticipated, but I prefer not to dwell on it. Soon after that, I went through the heart-pounding, palm-sweating hours that were the thrill of the first release day. Sub-Mission received its first review (positive) and a little while later, it got bashed in its first bad review. Eventually I found out my book was stolen and put up on a piracy site for the first time. Not a nice feeling and I think I nearly popped a vein that day with rage. Then there was the first time a reader contacted me to thank me for writing what she called a ‘wonderful story in which love overcomes all obstacles’. I received her message late in the evening and was so thrilled, I could barely sleep that night. Next up was the first time I held a printed copy of MY book in my hands. A book, properly printed paperback with MY name on the cover. Strange as it may sound, that was the moment I realised that now everyone can read what once only existed somewhere deep in my mind.

There was more, but those were the biggest steps along the way to today, my first anniversary as a published author. This is a lifetime’s dream come true for me, but that’s a story for another time. Right now I’d like to thank Noah and Pierce for choosing me to tell their story, my editors and the staff at my publishing houses for their brilliant, hard work and, of course, I’d like to thank you, my dear friends and readers—without you, this amazing first year wouldn’t have been the fantastic experience it was.
I don’t know what the future holds in store for me and what devious characters ask me to write their story, but one thing will always be true—I am a published author!

So, Ladies & Gentlemen, please allow me to introduce you to my first ever published book:

How far would you go to save the one you love?

Pierce Hollister is a down-to-earth businessman. Most of the time. His romantic side has him secretly dreaming of Mr Right, a family and happy ever after.
Noah Conway is a single father who doesn't believe in happy families anymore. When his daughter's life is at stake, he would sell his soul to save her but as a sadistic Dom takes an interest in him, he sells his body instead.

A shared session at a BDSM club leaves Pierce intrigued and soon he finds himself willing to do anything in his power to heal the wounds that life has left on Noah's soul. When he realises that the very thing Noah dreads the most might just be what he needs, Pierce sets out on a mission – but maybe it's just not in his power to save Noah.

Will Noah be able to battle the demons that haunt him and find the happy ever after Pierce has dreamed up for them?

Giveaway—Here’s what you can win:

#1 - Sage’s Goodie Package:
Contains a signed copy of Sub-Culture, a set of signed book cover photographs and some surprise goodies to spoil you

#2 - Create a character
Here’s your chance to create your very own fictional character that will be featured in one of my next books. The winner gets to pick the name and distinct features like hair / eye colour, height and a few personality quirks of a hero (male characters only, and please keep it doable…). Depending on the specification, I will either include him in a current WIP or use him as inspiration for a brand new story. The winner will also receive a free e-copy of this story once it’s published.

How to enter:
Leave a comment in the comment section asking to be entered in the giveaway. The winner will be picked at random and announced on my blog on May 20th. Multiple entries are allowed and will increase your chances to win. For additional terms and conditions, please go to

You can find the full tour schedule here:

About Sage Marlowe

Sage is a multi-published author of gay erotic romance novels and novellas and loves exploring the flavours of gay erotic fiction.

A willing slave to all the fascinating guys who keep queuing up and want their stories told, Sage can almost always be found cooking up the next hot story or daydreaming about new ways of rubbing sexy male bodies together to make the sparks fly.

Contact and buy links

Sage’s website & blog:
Twitter: @SageMarlowe
For all books published with Total-E-Bound, go to:
For all books published with Siren-BookStrand, go to:

Friday 10 May 2013

Follow This! Scarlet Chastain

I'm always on the lookout for great FF books, and I was thrilled to discover Scarlet Chastain, today's guest, whose new book, Bella Key was released last week. Check it out!

What got you started in writing?
I enjoy reading about the unique emotional and physical dynamic of female/female erotic romance. Lesbian romance is not as popular as M/F or even M/M so the selection is fairly limited. I decided to write the type of book I'd like to read.

How did you feel when you got that first acceptance?
The excitement of "OMG - I'm going to be a published author!" turned to the fear of "OMG - I'm going to be a published author!" I'm still scared!

What's your biggest challenge as a brand new author?
My biggest challenge is developing an author presence and letting readers know my work exists. An added challenge of writing f/f is knocking down the f/f barrier. I find this sub-genre can be taboo in some erotic reading circles. My stories are romance first and lesbian second. They're about two people falling in love who happen to both be women. I look forward to the day LGBT labels are unnecessary.

What's next for you?
I'm finishing the first draft of a contemporary f/f story set in Paris. European dress designer meets slightly geeky IT girl from New York. It's a little Devil Wears Prada-ish. I'm still kicking around the title.

Tell us about your newest release.

Bella Key by Scarlet Chastain
Release date: May 3rd from Evernight Publishing

Maddie Jacobs mus be crazy. At least that's what her mother thinks. Professionally, she's confident and secure; personally, she's a hot mess. Not even a marriage proposal from a man who adores her can quell her search for something more.

In need of an escape, Maddie flees to Key West's most southern island, Bella Key, to rest and recharge at Casa Bonita. She almost gives up on the weekend retreat when the Bed & Breakfast is closed for repairs until Sunny Rojas, the inn owner, extends an offer of friendship, sweet tea, and a room. Still reeling from a breakup with her longtime partner, Sunny is thankful for the diversion from her own broken heart.

The arrival of a fierce storm forces the women's emotional journey to a head and leads them into each other's arms. But can Maddie throw her hangups to the wind and go with her heart? The magic of Bella Key teaches her that passion cannot be placed neatly into boxes labeled right and wrong, because love knows no boundaries. 


“Good shower?”
Maddie stopped in the doorway, holding the knot of her towel to her chest. Wet strands of hair produced rivulets of water streaming down her shoulders and chest. “Like a new woman. Although, my northern skin can’t handle the tropical sun. Look at my shoulders!” Sunny’s gaze moved from one shoulder to another. Maddie was right, she was more than sun-kissed. Her shoulders practically glowed. “Oh, chica. That’s an angry burn you have there. I have some aloe —” Sunny picked up and put down five different bottles from her dressing table. “—ah, here it is. This’ll ease the pain and cut down on the peeling, too.”
Sunny flipped the top and squeezed a quarter-sized dab of the green gel into her palm. She nodded toward her bed, signaling Maddie to sit. Rubbing the aloe between her palms, she rested one knee on the bed beside her. Maddie gathered her wet hair and flipped it over her shoulder to allow Sunny access to the other. Her body shivered under Sunny’s hands.
“Sorry, this stuff’s cold. I tried to warm it up a little.”
Maddie closed her eyes and tilted her head to the side. “It’s not that. It feels good on the burn. You have a gentle touch.”
Sunny chuckled. “Scooch over a little so I can get your other side.”
Maddie shifted, lifting her feet onto the bed and tucking them under her legs Indian style. Sunny guided her head forward and massaged the aloe along the base of her neck to her shoulder blades, and down to the edge of the fluffy towel. She bent her knee, providing an anchor for Maddie to lean upon. Her inner thighs grazed the thick towel. Sunny closed her eyes and focused not only on Maddie’s sunburned skin, but also on loosening the muscles along her shoulders and upper back.
“I have a confession to make,” Maddie said quietly.
“Other than this is the best massage you’ve ever received?” Sunny snorted.
“Mmm. That too. I-I watched you last night.” Maddie went a few seconds without taking a breath.
Sunny didn’t waver. “I know you did. You were outside of my door.”
“You knew? Why didn’t you stop or say something?” Maddie kept her eyes closed but turned her head toward Sunny as she spoke.
Sunny added another dab of aloe to her palm. “I liked that you were watching me. It turned me on that you enjoyed it too.”
“Never in my life had I thought I’d be attracted, you know, sexually to a woman. It’s different with you. Many things are different with you.” Maddie’s hand trembled as she touched Sunny’s leg, tracing an imaginary line up and down her calf. The rapid rise and fall of Maddie’s back matched the pounding in Sunny’s chest.
Silence filled the room. Sunny had decided against bringing up the episode from the night before unless Maddie did. Now that it was out in the open, Sunny could find out how Maddie felt for sure. “Different, how?”
“You make me feel so focused and honest and alive. I’ve never had that with anyone else before.” Maddie turned and kneeled in front of Sunny. “Would it be forward if I asked you to kiss me?”
Sunny swallowed hard. “Yes, but I like forward,” she whispered as she cupped Maddie’s face with her palms. Dragging her thumb over Maddie’s bottom lip she realized how many times she wanted to taste her lips and explore her mouth over the past two days. Sunny lowered her face and brushed her lips once over Maddie’s. She drew back to study Maddie’s reaction.
“Again,” Maddie whispered, her eyes remained closed.

Find Bella Key here:

Author Bio:
Scarlet Chastain is the semi-secret pseudonym of a multi-published, best selling author of sensual erotic romance. Scarlet's focus is female-centric sizzling stories written about women, for women.

She lives in the suburban shadows of New York City but her heart belongs to the beaches of Key West. Scarlet can usually be found in her favorite chair of her newly acquired writing cave with her maltipoo, Coco.

Stalk Scarlet here:

Twitter: @scarletchastain

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Dangerous Submission Blog Tour

I'm happy to be hosting Lori Toland on this blog tour for her newest release, Dangerous Submission.

British Agent Drake Steele never thought when he was hired on at the Serious Organized Crime Agency that his job would involve spanking a co-worker. But when the colleague is Lord Robbie Covington, the sexy red-headed computer hacker for SOCA and MI-6, Drake can't agree fast enough to pop Robbie's cherry and pull him into the sensual world of BDSM.

Now they are caught up in a web of lies as they pose as members of the jet-setting crowd. Drake and Robbie have to race against the clock to stop a weapons haul that could threaten the safety of all Europe. As their covers begin to fade and danger is closing in, protecting Robbie is Drake's most important task, but neither man is ready for the moment when their hearts are put on the line.

Excerpt 1 - Explicit

His eagerness to get started made me smile. I grabbed his shoulder and stopped. “Maybe you should take your shirt off before you get strapped in.”

He glanced down at it and took off his black thick-framed glasses. The apology he gave was muffled as he pulled his polo shirt off. Pale skin without a freckle anywhere on his slender frame made my mouth water. Unlike me, he had very little hair on his chest, just a tuft in the middle and a few stray hairs circling his flat brown nipples.

Encircling his slender wrist, I noticed how big my fingers appeared next to him. I guided his arms up and snapped the cuffs in place one by one. Once he was secure, I pulled on his bonds to make sure he couldn’t move too much.

Robbie pulled on them as well before he looked over his shoulder at me. “Why do you need to tie me down?”

“Because I’m not going to have you endanger yourself if you decide to move midstrike.”

Satisfied with my answer, he nodded, but as he turned away, he swallowed hard. He needed compassion but also needed to be aware of my competency.

I leaned in, placing my hand on his bare back to bring his attention to me. “Let’s get something straight right now. I won’t be questioned by you. You will do as I say, or I will turn you over my knee and spank you, regardless of where we are or who is in front of us.”

He flushed. “Anywhere, anytime?”

“Yes.” I punctuated the word with a crack of my whip.

He jerked, startled by the sound. “I’ll remember that, Sir,” he said.

As close as I was, the heat coming off him soaked through my clothes and into my body. He shivered, and it reverberated through every inch of my body. “Are you cold?” I asked.

“I’m fine, Sir.” The underlying tremor in his voice belied his calm demeanor, and he stayed tensed in anticipation of my next move. With him bound and waiting for my next touch, a heady thrill of power flowed through me.

If I stepped directly behind him, I was almost tall enough to notch my chin on the top of his head. The cologne he wore wafted up to me, and the dark scent beckoned me to come in closer.

Unable to resist temptation, I bowed my head to press my lips against his shoulder. He tasted salty from the light sheen of sweat, and the smell of his cologne mixing with his musk pushed me past the point of intelligent thought.

Without taking my mouth away from his delectable skin, I whispered, “These chains are also good for keeping you at my mercy. I can do anything I want, and there’s not much you can do to stop me.”

I expected him to stiffen against me in protest, but his eager cry came as a shock. “God, Drake, yes!” He shoved his hips back against me, the cleft of his arse sliding down my rock-hard prick.


Excerpt 2 - PG

Oblivious to my desire, he turned back to his suitcase and dragged out his tuxedo. “This party we’re going to tonight, it’s a black-tie ball, right?”

“Yes, it is.” I turned my back to him, trying my hardest to ignore how much my cock loved him nearly naked with just a scrap of cotton covering his bits.

“Do you think there will be dancing?”

God, I hoped not, because I was an awful dancer. Robbie would run away screaming from me if he saw me try to waltz. I mumbled something under my breath, hoping that would satisfy him.

He was persistent with his line of questioning, though. He let out a sigh. “What I’m trying to ask is…do you know how to dance?”

“Not really.”

“Maybe I should give you a quick lesson.”

Unable to hold back my horror, I groaned. “We don’t have to do that. It’s not a requirement to dance at this party, I’m sure.”

“No, it probably isn’t, but we aren’t supposed to be wallflowers either. We should try our hardest to fit in.”

“I’m six foot five, and you’re a redheaded royal. Do you really think we’re going to blend in?”

Author Bio: 
CEO by day, erotic romance writer by night, Lori Toland lives in Orlando where the summers are hot but the romance between her characters is even hotter. Writing since the tender age of 13, Lori somehow finds time to play video games and watch movies while taking care of her beloved cats and a husband who will forever be her hero.

Michelle's Review of Dangerous Submission
(Disclosure: I was provided a free copy of this e-book for the purpose of providing a fair and honest review)

I was intrigued by the premise of Dangerous Submission. British agents needing to attend an exclusive series of BDSM parties in order to find information on an important weapons shipment. Lord Robbie Covington, the hacker with the technical know-how to obtain the information, is new to BDSM and requires someone to protect him. Enter Drake Steele – an experienced agent and Dom, with skills required to protect and educate his new submissive.

I wasn’t disappointed.

Lori Toland’s writing was a pleasure to read on a number of levels. She has great technical skill, which I appreciated. Nothing pulls me out of a story more than typos in a book, especially if they are excessive, but I didn’t have that problem here. Ms. Toland’s story was an original take on the “co-workers forced to work in a sexually charged environment” theme and the tension between her heroes was fantastic. And lastly, the sex was hot! I don’t usually read MM, but I found I enjoyed this one more than others.

I only have a couple of criticisms, and they’re small and really more a matter of personal preference. The first was Drake’s habit of thinking how much he wanted to fuck Robbie. Not that it’s a problem for him to want that, and his desire is important to the tension, but to me it seemed to come out the same way every time and it could have been varied a bit. The other thing I found was that while I liked having all the threads tied up at the end, it seemed to go on a bit longer than I needed. But these are just little blips in what was, overall, a wonderful read.

Rating: ««««

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Wednesday 1 May 2013

Random Reader Survey

I've entered a very busy time at my top secret day job, and they're keeping me hopping! Plus I'm being transferred to another location and I'm not too sure how I feel about that yet, but I still have a couple months to figure it out. Needless to say, my brain is a little frazzled! And that's why I didn't even realize it was Wednesday until 9pm. Which makes it really random Thursday. Almost.

*head hits desk*

Sorry. Brief mental lapse. I'm back now, and I have a survey for you! I have a few more books planned in my Hedon Falls Series, but I'm also looking to branch out a little and I'm not sure what direction I should go. So I thought I'd ask the readers what they like and go from there.

I have fairly eclectic tastes when it comes to my erotic romance. I really enjoy menage, but I don't mind a pair. I usually stick to MF or FF but I've recently read some MM, too. I'll try anything once! What I mean is, I'll try READING anything once. Okay, maybe I'll try other things, too. Within reason. And now that's probably TMI. Sorry!

So if you don't mind taking this short survey, I would greatly appreciate it! I promise it's painless and there is no identifying information required. Thanks for your participation!

Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool.