Everyone has a dark side..,
Dark Captive is an exclusive collection of dark erotic romance stories featuring alpha men with fierce sexual appetites. They'll stop at nothing to get what they want. And they have their sights on one man. Possessive and bold, these heroes give their conquests exactly what they crave—to be taken … to be owned. Any resistance offered will be tested, but in the end love rules.
Kidnapping, abduction, and sexual slavery are just a few of the titillating taboo themes in this hand-picked manlove anthology.
Dark Captive is an exclusive collection of dark erotic romance stories featuring alpha men with fierce sexual appetites. They'll stop at nothing to get what they want. And they have their sights on one man. Possessive and bold, these heroes give their conquests exactly what they crave—to be taken … to be owned. Any resistance offered will be tested, but in the end love rules.
Kidnapping, abduction, and sexual slavery are just a few of the titillating taboo themes in this hand-picked manlove anthology.

Love The Way You Hurt Me by James Cox
Don’t piss off the devil while you’re in
Senior Corrections Officers Daniel
Norton is known as the Devil. His kingdom of hell is this prison. He worked
hard to get where he is in his career but his life is a lonely existence.
Seamus is a new shy and sexy recruit that has him questioning himself and his
future. Devil places Seamus in ‘the pit’ to keep him safe. He didn’t plan on
stripping the chained man and having sex. Is Devil becoming as bad as those he
guards or is there truly something between them?
When Seamus is brutally attacked,
everyone will find out what happens when the devil loses control.
“So, then tell me why you’re helping me, Devil.”
“I told you already.” I shifted to his left side, held his wrist and placed the
other cuff there.
“I don’t think you’re an idiot.”
“Oh but I am.” I said softly, staring down at Seamus. My breath came out in
puffs and rushed across his face. “The biggest kind.” My voice went down to a
whisper. “If I wasn’t already in charge of hell, I may just be heading there
today.” Then like the idiot I claimed I was, I kissed him. I shoved the door
closed with my foot and it loosened his chains. His arms fell to his sides with
a rattle. I forced his mouth open with mine. My tongue swept inside, along his
teeth and deeper still. The kiss was intense. I knew my lips would be red and
swollen from the sheer pressure but I couldn’t help myself. Seamus was an
irresistible temptation. I kept kissing him, falling deeper into the void and
then he leaned his body against mine. I swear I heard angels singing. Fucking
hell, it hadn’t been that long since my last fuck. I was acting like a randy
teenager. I pulled away and Seamus followed.
“Please. Please.” He murmured and placed his lips back on mine.
The kiss was just as wild. I held his head in my hands and angled to send my
tongue deep into his mouth. Seamus moaned and pressed harder against me. Shit,
I could feel just how horny he was. His cock pressed against the flimsy prison
pants and against my hip. I thrusted against him, forgetting everything but
that wonderful burst of pleasure from between my legs. I jostled my hands
between us and quickly unzipped my black uniform pants. My cock bounced out,
hard and beyond ready. I stopped kissing Seamus long enough to open the
buttons. His hair was silky soft against my fingertips. I grabbed handfuls and
forced him to his knees. Idiot flashed through my mind again but it was quickly
replaced by blowjob. I wanted this sexy redhead’s lips around my cock. Now.
“Devil.” He moaned.
The chains rattled as I gathered his wrists in one hand. I used the other to
direct his head. My dick was only inches from his mouth. I took a deep breath
as he opened wide. “Suck me.” It was an order, given with a harsh tone and no
chance of flexibility. Seamus was going to take my shaft into his mouth. There
was no negotiating. My tip was without foreskin so when his breath rushed over
it, I felt the tingle all through my body. My cock was stiff, pointing upward
like it was making a choice. My balls were low hangers, the left lower than the
right but they were still stuffed into my pants. Only my shaft was unconcealed
and ready to be slathered with saliva.
Seamus closed the gap.
The groan that came out of my mouth was decided high pitched as he wrapped his
lips around my tip. I stared down, watching as he lathered the bulbous head
with his tongue and poked at my piss slit. “Yes. Yeah. Seamus.” I tugged his
hands higher, making them taunt and under my full control. Then I used my other
hand to pushed his head closer. My underside slid along his teeth, gently until
his mouth widened. I pushed inside without hesitation until I hit the back of
his throat then I eased back out. His tongue lapped at my hot, hard flesh for a
moment then his green eyes rolled up to stare at me. “Oh hell, I’m going to
fuck that pretty mouth so hard.”
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Dark Captive MM Anthology
Taylor Brooks http://authortaylorbrooks.blogspot.com
Sensuous Promos http://sensuouspromos.blogspot.com
Lea’s Crazy Nights https://leabronsen.com/crazy-nights-blog/
Liz’s Reading Life https://lizjosette.blogspot.com
Michelle Graham www.michellegrahambooks.com
Ravenna Tate http://ravennatate.blogspot.com
The Book Pub http://thebookpub.blogspot.com/
Donina Lynn doninalynn.com
Kitty’s Book Spot! 2kasmom.Booklikes.com
Gay Fiction Addiction https://www.facebook.com/ericsbooklove
(this will be a facebook blurb post and not an excerpt containing blog post)
Blog Reviews Janis F https://bookreviewsjanisf.com/
Illustrious Illusions Www.illustriousillusions.com
Wallflower Gone Wild http://ambermorganwrites.weebly.com/
Love Bites and Silk Ties http://lovebitessilkties.blogspot.co.uk/
Michelle Roth http://michelleroth.net/blog
Nicole Morgan http://nicolemorganauthor.blogspot.com/
Jules Dixon www.julesdixon.com/blog-3/
Darkest Cravings http://darkestcravings.blogspot.com
Nic’s Book Nook http://nicsbooknook.blogspot.com/
Wulf Tracks http://rosewulf.blogspot.com/
Erzabets Enchantments Http://erzabetsenchantments.blogspot.com
Bound by Passion http://www.boundbypassion.ca/
Nessie’s Place https://nesiesplace.wordpress.com
Nikki’s Nofsinger http://nikkitrueblue.blogspot.com/
Begin in the Dark http://naomiclarkwrites.blogspot.co.uk/
L.D. Blakeley www.ldblakeley.com/blog
Sage Marlowe http://sage-marlowe.blogspot.com/
Pick a Genre Already http://pickagenrealready.blogspot.ca
Nicki Day http://nickiday.blogspot.com/
Andrew Jericho http://andrewjericho.com/
*highfives Michelle* So glad to be in this antho with you and the other fab authors :)
ReplyDeleteThe honour is all mine, Doris! :-X
DeleteHi Michelle. Awesome stories and awesome authors.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Kai! It was my pleasure!